Roarchella 2017 - Safe and Sound
On the 25 th of March 2017 (Saturday) the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its annual charity event – which was Roarchella, from 4.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. It was hosted at HELP College of Arts and Technology, as HELP College had generously allowed us to rent their premises for holding our event. The theme for this year’s Roarchella was “Safe and Sound”. Besides aiming to raise funds to help the less fortunate as all profits from the event will be donated to various charitable organisations and homes, we also aspire to educate and raise awareness about child abuse in our society today. The theme was specifically chosen as one of our main objectives was to enlighten the public on how a child deserves to feel at home, and not in constant fear of abuse. A child should be living in joy and happiness in a loving home; thus a child should always be safe and sound. This year, the Community Service Director of Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School, Leo Teo Boon Kee, was assisted ...