International Relationship Day 2012; I.R.eland

          On the 4th of May 2012, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held their 9th Annual International Relationship Day. The theme for this year’s I.R. Day was I.R.eland. It was held in the school’s mutipurpose hall. The event started at 3.45 p.m. and ended at 6.00p.m. An estimated number of 400 guests were present for this event, many with a hint of green on their clothes, in line with our dress code, to represent the colour green on the flag of Ireland. Joseph Germani, a famous YouTube personality was also present during this event. All the performances were presented by WMS Leo Club members.

To everyone’s delight, Youtube star Joseph Germani was present at our IR Day.

          The event kicked off with an opening dance featuring two lovely dancers, Leo Myra Koh and Leo Ooi Zhi Xuan. They danced to the song Zombie by an Irish band, The Cranberries. Their contemporary dance moves moved the crowd. After that, we presented a homemade video regarding Ireland. The corwd truly enjoyed the short and sweet video. This was followed by an Irish  cultural dance Performance choreographed by our own Leo members. The crowd was truly amazed to see the different styles of dance Ireland has to offer.
Fantastic opening performance by Leo Myra Koh and Leo Ooi Zhi Xuan.

The boys kick-started the dance in style.

The girls joining the boys on stage.

                                 The crowd laughed at some of our dancers' amusing dance moves.
              Next, we had a speech by our guest of honour, Madam Chia Loy Tian. She complimented us on our hard work and effort. She also mentioned that the Leo Club of WMS never failed to surprise her and always grabs the opportunities laid ahead of them. Then, the national anthem of Malaysia and Ireland was played. The roll call for schools and clubs was next for almost over 20 schools and clubs.

The emcees for the event, Leo Goh Jia Ying and Leo Ng Xuan Ly.

The Guest of Honor, Madam Chia Loy Tian giving her speech.

                After the roll call, a few Leo members conducted an environmental presentation themed 'water'. There were four presenters who explained various ways to save water and to keep it clean. They also prepared three short videos that were informative and interesting.

The funny yet informative environmental presentation.

          We also put on a band performance, consisting of a pianist, two guitarists and four singers. It was a 4-minute long medley composed by Leo Tham Jia Vern and consisted of songs by Westlife, The Script and U2 which are all Irish bands.

Our talented band.

Our Leos singing their hearts out.

          Then, we performed a sketch prepared by our junior members. The story was about four leprechauns, three brothers and a sister. One day, the sister was kidnapped by a banshee (an Irish Ghost). So, the brothers set out on a journey to look for their sister. After much hardship, they finally found the Banshee’s lair. In the end, one of the brothers died while rescuing his sister. A rainbow formed over their heads and it is said that that brother turned into a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The sketch was hilarious with all the sound effects plus the members' exceptional acting skills.

Our Leo leprechauns.

The Banshee with her minions, kidnapping one of the leprechauns.

The leprechauns go to St Patrick for Help.

The cast received a standing ovation from the crowd.

                Next, the International Relationship Director, Leo Yong Hui Anne gave her speech. It was short and sweet and received loud applause from the crowd. After the speech, she, along with her assistant I.R Director, Leo Isaac Miranda took the stage for a short performance. Leo Yong Hui Anne sang the song Gold Forever by The Wanted while Leo Isaac Miranda accompanied on the guitar. Everyone was surprised at how talented our IR Directors were. Afterward, Leo Yong Hui Anne remained on stage to present the souvenirs to all the clubs, schools, V.I.Ps and Guest of Honor.

I.R Director Leo Yong Hui Anne giving her speech.

Our I.R Directors performing on stage.

Presentation of souvenirs to the Guests of Honour.

          Just when everyone thought the event was over, two Leo members riding bicycles decorated with glow sticks burst into the hall. The crowd was surprised to say the least. Then, the music came on and the St. Patricks Day parade began. There were clowns, people in afros, dancers dancing with ribbons, flower girls throwing sweets and glowsticks to the crowd, and many more. We invited the V.I.Ps and guests of honour to proceed below for refreshments while our Leo Direction group performed the song One Thing by half Irish band One Direction. Then, the parade people began pulling people from the crowd to join them in a jig around the hall. When the last song ended, the emcees invited all guests down to the canteen for refreshments. The guests were reluctant to leave the hall. Gradually, the Leo members ushered them down.

The parade on stage.

Our very own Leo Clowns.

Our leprechauns for the day.

Our very own Leo version of the famous boy band, One Direction, called LEO Direction.

The three other Leo Directioners.

The Leo Directioners taking centre stage for the finale.

The Crowd joining in the fun along with the Leo Directioners.

                 The 9th WMS Leo Club International Relationship Day ended soon after that and a majority of the Leos stayed to clean the hall while some went down to help the refreshment team. The feedback for this event was all positive and good. The guests had a really good time. The mashed potatoes served to the guests at the school canteen was a hit. Everyone went home with a big smile on their face. The I.R. Director was also really satisfied with all the performances. The members did all the cleaning up work til 7 in the evening. Attendance was taken and a group photo was also taken to remember the event.

The group photograph taken after the event.

             The event was a big success and will surely be a memorable one for all who attended.

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