Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School 12th Annual Installation

The Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its 12th Annual Installation on the 23rd July 2014, from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm at the school's chapel with the theme "The Roars Live On". The committee of the 12th Annual Installation consisted of organising chairperson, Leo Kok Jia Yunn, assistant organising chairperson, Leo Tan Hooi Xin, and committee members, Leo Wong Zheng Qie, Leo Ong Kye Ying and Leo Ng Meng Jing.

        On the day of the event, the incoming Board of Directors, the committee members and the refreshment team were excused after lunch at 1.50 pm to prepare for the event. The refreshment team prepared the food and drinks at the domestic science lab while the others were preparing and setting up the chapel for the upcoming event. At 2.50 pm, all the other Leo members, including the Form 4 and Form 5 Leos, gathered outside the chapel and changed into their formal attire.

        At 3.00 pm, the guests started to arrive. Ushers were sent out to their respective duty points, including the LRT station as well as both front and back gates of the school to greet and usher the guests to the chapel. Our incoming president, Leo Kok Jia Yunn, greeted the Lions and had some short conversations with them.

        The event started officially at 3.45 pm. The meeting was called to order by the Presiding Officer, 2nd Vice President of Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Ooi Wai Loon. It was then followed by the singing of the national anthem, Negaraku. The Leos then remained standing for the recitation of the Leo pledge led by our outgoing president, Leo Chieng Jin Han. After that, there was a roll call for all the clubs that attended, followed by a speech given by the Presiding Officer, Lion Ooi Wai Loon. This was soon followed by a speech by the Principal of Wesley Methodist School, Madam Chia Loy Tian. After her speech, the Guest of Honour, Vice District Governor, Lion Sashekala Pathmanathan gave her speech.

        The initiation ceremony then began with the installation of the incoming Leo members by Presiding Officer, Lion Ooi Wai Loon. After that, the District Chairperson, Lion Foo See Yow inducted the incoming Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2014/2015. The incoming president, Leo Kok Jia Yunn then gave his speech. It was then followed by the presentation of certificates by our Leo advisor, Lion Tan Poh Ling to the outgoing Leo members and the Board of Directors in order to acknowledge their contribution towards the club. This was then followed by a speech by the outgoing president, Leo Chieng Jin Han. After his speech, the meeting was adjourned by the Presiding Officer, Lion Ooi Wai Loon.

        A video presentation about the club's past activities and introducing the incoming Board of Directors were then presented. After the video, the incoming Board of Directors then performed a song entitled "Ready or Not". A dance performance was then presented by our very own Leo members. Then, the token of appreciations were given out to the VIPs by our faculty advisor, Cik Nur Hayani. The souvenirs were given out to the guests by our outgoing president, Leo Chieng Jin Han. Finally, all the guests were invited to have some light refreshments in the canteen.
The incoming and outgoing presidents welcoming the VIPs.
Namecards of the incoming Board of Directors.

Guests registering themselves at the registration counter.
Photos of the past events were put up as decorations.
Decorations were put up by our Leo members.
Top Club Award banner.
Roll call session.
Installation of the incoming Leo members.
Speech by the Guest of Honour, Lion Sashekala Pathmanathan.
Passing of gavel to the incoming president. 
Presentation of certificates to the outgoing Leo members.
Presentation of certificates to the outgoing Board of Directors.
Speech by outgoing president.
Performance by the incoming Board of Directors.
Performance by our Leo members.
Presentation of token of appreciation to the VIPs.
Presentation of souvenirs to the guests.



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