Leo Orientation Day 2017

On the 13th of January 2017, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its annual Orientation Day. The organizing committee for this event consisted of the organizing chairperson Leo Ting Yen Shan, along with Leo Sivarajani Sivakumar and Leo Yau Yih Lynn. All the members gathered in front of the lecture theatre at 3.20 p.m. while attendance was taken. A total of 68 members were present for the event. After the necessary preparation was done by the committee, the members entered the lecture theatre to get ready for the orientation.

Soon after, the Lions were then ushered by the president and the vice president to the lecture theatre. After all the Lions had arrived, the event started off with the meeting called to order by the Immediate Past President Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Joseph Thong. The recitation of the Leo pledge was then led by our president, Leo Soma Sivashankar, which was followed by the roll call. This year, we were honoured to have the Immediate Past President Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Joseph Thong, the guest speaker, District Chairperson for Leo Clubs, Lion Foo See Yow, the Treasurer of the Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Joey, and one of our Leo Advisors, Lion Robert Tan to attend the event. The emcees then invited Lion Foo See Yow to start the orientation by welcoming our new faculty advisors with the presentation of the Lions' handbooks. He also presented our club with the "Top Club" award, which we won at last year's Leo Forum. After that, Lion Foo See Yow began to give his speech about the structure of the Lion Clubs and the Leo Clubs, and the extensive network of Lions and Leos in detail.

All the members were well-behaved and wrote notes about what Lion Foo had told them. Lion Foo also asked them basic questions about the history of the foundation of the Lion Club and the Leo Club, which they were able to answer. After Lion Foo's speech, Lion Joseph Thong was then invited to adjourn the event. It was followed by the presentation of  the tokens of appreciation by our club president to the guests.

The event ended at 5.00 p.m. The president, accompanied by our faculty advisors, then ushered the Lions to the canteen for some light refreshments. After that, all the members left the lecture theatre in an orderly and disciplined manner. 

Lion Joseph calling the meeting to order.

Presentation of the "Top Club" award.

Lion Foo giving his speech about Leo Club.

Tokens of appreciation given to our Leo Advisor, Lion Robert Tan.

Lions along with our Leo members for a group photo

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