15th Annual Installation - Leo De Novo

On the 14th of July, 2017, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held their 15th Annual Installation. The event took place from 3:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. at the Dutton Hall. The theme for this year's Installation Service was "Leo De Novo", which means "anew" in Latin. This year's Annual Installation was spearheaded by the organizing committee, which consisted of the organizing chairperson,  Leo Lok Mei Xuan, along with her assistant organizing chairperson, Leo Justin Tan, and the other committee members, Leo Tan Lik Wei, Leo Khor Jia Shin, and Leo Chong Ning Xin.

At 3:40p.m., the meeting was called to order by Lion Lee Choon Heng, Presiding Officer, President of the Lions Club of Ampang. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem and the recitation of the Leo pledge, led by Leo Khor Jia Shin, the incoming president. After that, the Presiding Officer, Lion Lee Choon Heng, delivered his speech. The emcees then conducted a roll call session for all VIPs, school clubs, and outsider clubs. A short video presentation ensued, which detailed the club's various events that were carried out throughout the fiscal year, such as Urban Escape, Roarchella and International Relationship Day. Subsequently, the outgoing president, Leo Soma Sivashankar, gave his speech.

The induction ceremony for incoming Leo Club members was commenced and members were initiated by District Chairperson Designate, Lion Lee Wai Koong. Afterwards, the incoming Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2017/2018 was inducted by the Guest of Honour, 1st Vice District governor, Lion Michelle Mok. Following that, the incoming president, Leo Khor Jia Shin, delivered his speech. The event proceeded with the presentation of certificates to the outgoing Leo members and Board of Directors of the fiscal year 2016/2017 to acknowledge their outstanding service, loyalty and devotion to the Leo Club by Mr Wong Chee Kheon, Principal of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International), who gave his speech consecutively.  The Guest of Honour, Lion Michelle Mok, delivered her speech directly after that. The meeting was then adjourned by Presiding Officer, Lion Lee Choon Heng.

Following that, a singing performance by Leo Chong Ning Xin and Leo Saw Jin Hui was carried out to entertain the guests. The event drew to a close with the presentation of tokens of appreciation to the VIPs by the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School's teacher advisor, Mr Lee Sek Khoon, and then souvenirs were given out to other clubs of Wesley Methodist School and other schools by the outgoing president, Leo Soma Sivashankar. Finally, a group of junior Leo members livened up the mood with an upbeat dance performance. The event came to its conclusion as all guests were invited down to the canteen for some light refreshments.

Deco showing the incoming Board of Directors of 2017/2018

Leo members welcoming guests at the entrance to the Dutton Hall

Speech by outgoing president

Speech by Presiding Officer, Lion Lee Choon Heng

Installation of the incoming Leo members and Board of Directors
Induction of the Board of Directors of 2017/2018
Speech by incoming president
Presentation of certificates to the outgoing Leo members
Speech by Guest of Honour, Lion Michelle Mok
Presentation of tokens of appreciation to the VIPs
Presentation of souvenirs to the guests
Dance performance by Leo members




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