School Serve 2017 - Dream XL
On the 23rd and 24th of August, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School carried out a school service project themed "Dream XL", which means dream extra large. The main purpose of this event was to help students discover what their dreams are and to dream big. Other than that, the project is also aimed to encourage students to not let others discourage them from pursuing their dreams. It also allows them to understand what characteristics they need to have in order to achieve their dreams. "Dream XL" was orchestrated by our community service director, Leo Wong Xin Yi, with the aid of assistant organising chairperson, Leo Khoo Zi Qi, and was put together with help from Leo Sandy Ho Yen Xiu, Leo Hu Shing Ye, and Leo Lee Kai Jie. On the day of the project, a short skit about believing in dreams was presented to all the students during morning assembly by a group of Leos in order to promote the event. The activities took place during the lower secondary and upper sec...