Pre-Exam Food Sale & Mini Games

From the 11th to the 14th of September (Monday to Thursday), the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its first ever Pre-Exam Food Sale and Mini Games project during both upper and lower secondary break and lunch. The event was headed by Organising Chairperson Leo Chia Xin Zheng Alden, the Funding Director, with help from his Assistant Organising Chairperson, Leo Andrea Goh Ern-Rey, and the committee which consisted of Leo Lim Jia Wen, Leo Wong Yen Ling, and Leo Teh Deng Shyang. The main objective of conducting this event was to help students release stress before sitting for their respective examinations. Apart from that, the project was also aimed to raise funds for the club's future community service projects and events.

A duty list was prepared beforehand in order to let the members know their respective tasks and shifts for the food sale and mini games. The members were all very active and reliable in contributing to the food sale and mini games. Foods such as brownies, popsicles, finger food, lemonade and instant noodles were all prepared by the members. There were seven predetermined Leo members per shift including one BOD member and one committee member in each shift. The food sale was held in the canteen and all the food items were well prepared and arranged before students came down for their recess and lunch breaks. Prices of the food ranged from RM1 to RM3, thus making it affordable for the students. Among the most popular foods that were sold out many times were the fried mee, brownies and pizza.

The area for the mini games was set up within the space adjacent to the canteen by Leo members before their respective shifts began. Whilst the food sale was still ongoing, a wide variety of fun and entertaining games were conducted in the area, including games such as Short Stack, Sing and Guess, and Dictionary Hunt. Many students had a great time eagerly participating and competing among friends to win the various games and earn rewards.

After each session ended, the Leo members cleaned up both areas, and prepared for the next sessions of the food sale and mini games. The Leo members in charge of the next shifts immediately took over.

The event was successfully carried out over the course of the four days. It received a good response from all the students and was a huge success as a result. The Leo member's efforts in planning and executing this event are all greatly appreciated.

Leo members preparing food for the food sale 

Menu of the various food items being sold 

Students buying food at the food sale
Rewards that were given out to the students
Student playing the "Finding the Way" game

Student enjoying the "Ping Pong Spring" game

Student completing the "Short Stack" game


Student claiming his rewards by redeeming his points

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