
Showing posts from October, 2020

Pre-Exam Event 2020: Pre-sent: Present

The committee behind it all. On the 28th September 2020 to the 2nd October, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School held its minor funding project for the fiscal year 2020/2021. The theme of the event was “Pre-sent: Present.” The word “Pre-sent” is separated because “Pre” stands for before exams, and “sent” represents how each gift is delivered to an individual by their friends as a form of encouragement or simply as a motivation to not back down but face their upcoming challenges. “Present” stands for the gift that will be given to their friends as a sign of good luck. This event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Tham Zhan Chern, who was assisted by the Assistant Organizing Chairperson, LEO Low Wei Tong, along with committee members LEO Tan Li Xuan, LEO Yau Jing Xiang and LEO Alicia Lee Yoke Yoong. The aim of this event was to relieve the students' stress and to help prepare the them for the upcoming exams. The aim was also to raise funds for the LEO Club of Wesley Method...

Minor Community Service Project (Free Tree Society)

Hello Free Tree Society! On the 26th September 2020, Saturday, nine of our members and Mr. Naresh A/L Manickavasagam, our Faculty Advisor, from the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School visited the Free Tree Society (Bangsar Nursery) to carry out our Minor Community Service Project from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. The event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Santtosh Sivaram. The objective of this Minor Community Service Project was to fulfill one of the five global causes of the LEO Club, which is to sustainably protect the environment by obtaining the knowledge and skills required to ensure the well-being of plants. This project was also aimed to further instill a sense of responsibility and awareness towards the environment amongst the LEO members.  The members and Mr. Naresh set off to the Free Tree Society (Bangsar Nursery) from Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) at 8.30 a.m. and arrived at the designated destination at 9.00 a.m. Upon their arrival, the m...

Joint Installation 2020

On the 13th September 2020, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School's Board of Directors attended the virtual Region 3 and 4 LEO Clubs Joint Installation from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. This event was themed "Connect".  We started off with the meeting being called to order, followed by the flag salutation and the LEO pledge. Throughout the event, speeches were given by various Lions. During the Initiation Ceremony and Board of Directors Installation Ceremony, our club's Board of Directors were present to show our support towards the other LEO clubs in Region 3 and 4. To wrap up the event, a group photo was taken and the meeting was then adjourned.  Overall,  Joint Installation was a golden opportunity to form connections with other LEO clubs. Besides that, it was an eye-opening experience for us as we managed to witness how an official event like Joint Installation could be held virtually.

Virtual LEO School 2020

On the 23rd August 2020, the Board of Directors of the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School took part in the Virtual LEO School that was organized for the benefit of the newly selected Board of Directors of the LEO clubs in District 308 B1.  The main purpose of this event was to explain the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the club. A total of four different Google Meet video calls were conducted: President School, Secretary School, Treasurer School and Director School. Throughout this event, quizzes and ice breakers were carried out by the organizing committee to induce fun into the educational sessions.  All in all, the Board of Directors got to understand more about their roles and duties. We are very grateful that we could attend this Virtual LEO School and we sincerely believe that it will aid us in our fiscal year.

Virtual LEO Orientation 2020

On the 15th August 2020, the Board of Directors attended the Virtual LEO Orientation from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. via Google Meet. The objective of this event was to grant LEO members in District 308 B1 the chance to understand more about the history of Lions and LEOs. In this session, we explored the purpose of being a LEO member and the meaning of serving the community. Overall, we got to learn more about what being a LEO means and how we can make an impact on the people around us. Such an informative session carried out by the LEO trainers!