Urban Escape 2022: Revelation

On the 21st May 2022, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School organized its annual funding event - Urban Escape 2022, from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Urban Escape 2022 was presented to the school this year with the theme “Revelation” which was inspired by our storyline this year, uncovering the secrets of the past. This large-scaled funding event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Poh Wei Jian, who was assisted by his two Assistant Organizing Chairpersons, LEO Hau Shen Ny and LEO Lim Chen Yang, together with the committee members, LEO Amber Ong Sze Qi, LEO Yap Zi Hao, and LEO Allyson Tan. As soon as the proposal and storyline of this event were approved by the Principal of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) in January, the organizing committee started carrying out the planning and preparations for the event immediately. 

Meet the organizing committee!

The main purpose of this event is to raise funds for the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School in order to support the club’s future community service projects and activities. In addition to that, the event aimed to develop teamwork, problem solving skills and observation skills among the participants. It also aimed to provide a golden opportunity for the participants to explore the school of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) and have a different experience of fun activities in an environment meant for studying. 

In this event, the students from Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) had to form teams of three and complete special tasks to find clues within the school’s vicinity. The participants are required to complete a series of games and collect clues after each game in order to solve the mystery. The group to obtain the most points in the shortest time period will emerge as the winners of this event. This year’s Urban Escape received overwhelming support from the students as it involved a total of 50 teams which consisted of 150 students of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International).

In summary, the storyline for this event signifies the participants stepping into the shoes of Robinson’s son, going back in time to uncover the mystery behind their father’s paralysis. After Robinson’s death, the participants discover the Robintime 300, a time machine built by their father in an attempt to undo the events of the past. Seeking the truth, the participants use the time machine to travel through time, where they conduct investigations, interviews and obtain information regarding the events following their father’s paralysis. The main lesson behind this storyline was to show that there will always be consequences to one’s actions and that the things you do or say in the past could have a lasting impact on the rest of your life. 

This year, Urban Escape was held only within the school’s vicinity due to Covid-19 restrictions. Various documents were submitted for approval of usage of facilities as well as locations throughout the school’s compound. Not only that, countless official documents were also sent to request for sponsorships from the general public, as sponsorships played an extremely important role in alleviating the cost of the event. This year, we were fortunate enough to secure quite a number of sponsors who made significant contributions to our event. The event started with the registration of the participants at 7:30 a.m. at Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International). A drinks booth featuring juice sponsored by Tipco was also set up next to the registration booth to provide the participants with a rejuvenation boost before the event starts. The participants then proceeded to the Lecture Theatre for the opening ceremony, which included a briefing on the rules and regulations. After that, a speech was given by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Poh Wei Jian and the Vice Principal of WMSKL(I), Mr. Lim Chee Ho. Tokens of appreciation were also presented to Lion Shirene Chin, Lion Elessee Lai and Mr. Lim Chee Ho, followed by the opening video. At 8:30 a.m., the Lower Secondary participants were flagged off, and Lion Shirene Chin officially started the race. The Upper Secondary participants gathered for a group photo, then were flagged off by Lion Shirene Chin.

The first game of the event was located around the Ground floor of the school’s compound, namely the Canteen, Volleyball Court, and Assembly Ground. Participants had to complete a number of maths equations by locating numbers that were pasted around the Ground Floor. After solving the equations and receiving their marks, the participants received a clue that led them to find their moderators, who gave them riddles they had to figure out in order to locate their respective classes. After solving the riddles, the participants headed to their classrooms and proceeded to the next game. A QR Code was given after every game completion as part of their clues. A wide series of interesting games were carried out in this event such as TikTok dances, Einstein riddles, code deciphering, and many more. Amidst the games conducted in classes, a Special Game was also held throughout the event where a number of teams were called down to the assembly ground through the PA system at 30-minute intervals. After the participants have gathered, they were split into two groups where one member of each team was tasked to play Catching Mem’ries while the other two members were tasked to collect dice. The participants playing Catching Mem’ries were led up to the Dutton Hall, which was sealed off from any light source, and they had to navigate through the dark and collect as many flags as they could amidst the obstacles placed around the hall within a time limit of 3 minutes.  The participants collecting dice were given a time limit of 5 minutes to collect as many dice as they can. Each flag consisted of points that were added to the participants’ total marks and each dice collected shaved off 30 seconds from the participants’ time of completion. Once the participants complete all the games, they were to head to the assembly ground where they were given a questionnaire about the storyline of the event. The event officially ended at 2:30 p.m. as planned. All the participants completed their games successfully and submitted their answers to the LEO members in charge.

Throughout the event, LEO members were stationed at their respective classes to moderate the participants and conduct the games. The Board of Directors and the committee members were also given duties to conduct Game 1 and Game 6, which were held at the Ground Floor of the school, handle the Special Game and patrol the classes. PBSM members of our school were also on duty in case of any emergencies throughout the event.

After the event ended, the LEO members stayed back to clean up the school compound and headed to the Lecture Theatre for a debriefing session. Then, the members gathered for a group picture to commemorate the event day. 

To summarise it all, this year’s Urban Escape was a tremendous success and it was undoubtedly an invaluable experience for the juniors as it was the club’s first major event of the fiscal year. Our club would like to thank all the participants for taking part in this event and all our faculty advisors for consistently supporting our event. A huge thank you to our club members for putting this event together as a club, and also to our organizing committee for all the time and effort they put into planning this event. We hope that all the participants enjoyed this year’s Urban Escape ,and we hope to see them again in our upcoming events! 

In the words of our beloved President of the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School for the fiscal year of 2021/2022, “Live, Laugh, LEO!”.


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