21st Annual Installation: Fleur de Lumière

On July 9, 2024, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School held its 21st Annual Installation at Wesley Hall from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This event marked the official retirement of senior members after two years of service and the formal installation of junior members and the Board of Directors. The theme for this year was "Fleur de Lumière," which translates to "Flower of Light" in French. This phrase symbolizes passion, growth, and enlightenment, representing the blossoming journey of individuals within the LEO Club as they navigate opportunities, challenges, and personal growth, much like flowers reaching toward the light to thrive and flourish. Embrace the floral odyssey of the LEO Club as the juniors bloom into their journey, entangling themselves in vines of opportunity, while the seniors gracefully release like floral seeds into the winds of tomorrow. A symphony of beginnings and unpredictable futures awaits in the garden of LEOs.

The event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO See Kye Zac, with assistance from the two Assistant Organizing Chairpersons, LEO Gwenyth Ong Wei Mun and LEO Anson Chan Yan Shen, as well as committee members LEO Venice Liang Kar Kei, LEO Lee Xin Yi, and LEO Reanne Chai Xin Yi. Attendees included members and teacher advisors of the LEO Club of WMS and the Interact Club of WMSKL(I). VIPs from the Lions Club of Ampang also graced the event with their presence.

The event began with the Presiding Officer, Lion Christina Foong, calling the meeting to order. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem and the recitation of the LEO pledge, led by the Outgoing President, LEO Ethan Foo Sheng Zhi. Next, the emcees led the recognition of Lion dignitaries with the three signature lion roars. The Presiding Officer, Lion Christina Foong, then delivered a speech, acknowledging the excellent service of our school’s LEO Club throughout the years. The Guest of Honour, Mr. Wong Chee Kheon, who is also the Principal of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International), was then invited onto the stage to present his truly inspiring speech.

Kicking off the second part of the event was a video presentation highlighting all the events held during the previous fiscal year. Prepared by the media department, the video brought back fond memories of the 2023/2024 fiscal year. The audience was then wowed by a stunning singing performance of “Night Changes” by LEO Ayrianne Lew En Xie, LEO Lee Yin Xin, LEO Raul Despande Nair, and LEO Pang Chee Meng. Next, Mr. Wong Chee Kheon commenced the presentation of Certificates of Completion and Testimonials to the outgoing members and Board of Directors, appreciating their hard work and service throughout their two years of service. The outgoing president, LEO Ethan Foo Sheng Zhi, then delivered a rousing speech, going the extra mile to thank every single one of the outgoing Board of Directors as well as LEO Club members for their contributions to the club.

For the highlight of the event, the District Chairperson, Lion Foo See Yow, was called upon to conduct the Initiation Ceremony of the incoming members. He also presented the LEO pins to the newly installed members. Then, the Presiding Officer, Lion Christina Foong, initiated the new Board of Directors. The incoming members and Board of Directors were welcomed with the traditional “three lion roars” to signify their induction into the club, and they responded with much heart and enthusiasm. The District Governor, Lion Cassie Lim, was then invited to present her speech, in which she expressed her hopes that, under the helm of the new Board of Directors, the club would soar to even greater heights. Following that, the Incoming President and Organizing Chairperson, LEO See Kye Zac, presented his speech, setting the tone for the upcoming fiscal year.

To mark the momentous occasion, LEO Charles Fong and LEO Tan Sze Xuan presented a fabulous display of musical talent with their instrumental performance titled "One Summer's Day." Before the event came to a close, LEO Ethan Foo Sheng Zhi, the Outgoing President, presented tokens of appreciation to the VIPs, including Lions Club Members, Mr. Wong Chee Kheon, and the outgoing Interact Club president, Interactor Morris Mok. Lion Christina Foong was then invited onto the stage once more to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m., after which the guests were invited into the Conference Room for light refreshments.

Overall, the event was a tremendous success, as the senior members were given a formal send-off and the newly installed members and Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2024-2025 were warmly welcomed.


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