
Showing posts from October, 2013

I am so Malaysian because....

On the 2nd of September, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur organized a school service project entitled ‘I AM SO MALAYSIAN BECAUSE..….’ in conjunction with Malaysia Day on the 16th of September. Students were asked to complete the sentence to why they think they are so Malaysian. The project’s objective was to create awareness upon the importance of a harmonious country and to raise the patriotic spirit among the students of WMSKL. Before the event, a few of our members decorated two black boards at lower secondary block. Throughout the event, students are only able to write their opinions during their respective break and lunch. Our members took shifts to take charge of the board and made sure the students did not vandalize the board. Two of our members were assigned to stand at the boards to hand out chalks to the students.  Our fellow leo promoting the project during the first shift The ever so enthusiastic students eager to voice out their thought

Pre-Examination Sales

This event was organized by Leo Tan Li May, the funding director of Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School. The objective of this event was to help students in our school to release stress by eating good food so that they can have a clear mind while doing their final revision. As soon as the proposal of the event was approved by the principal, Madam Chia Loy Tian, preparations took place. Several Leos were assigned certain foods to bake and prepare. For example, Leo Yeong Lin Han was in charge of preparing the cupcakes. All the respective Leos did according to the tasks assigned to them. The work was delegated quite well as everyone had their own task to do. The Leos were briefed a few days before the sales and they were told of their respective duties. A leader was assigned for each duty to keep the money box. On the day of sale, the drinks were mixed in the morning but the ice was only mixed during the time of the sales. This was done so that the drinks would not be diluted. Th

WMS Leos Annual Farewell 2013

On the 3 rd of August 2013, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its annual farewell for the club’s senior members. The event was held at Thank God It’s Friday (T.G.I.F) which is located at Hartamas Shopping Centre. 69 members alongside 3 teacher advisors namely, Madam Chelvi, Madam Low and Madam Lavanya attended this event. The event started at 7pm and ended at 11pm. The theme of this year’s farewell is S.W.A.G., which is an acronym for Sad, We Are Gone. This theme managed to portray the sadness of the juniors towards their seniors leaving the club. The event was held to say farewell to our seniors. The door gifts for this event were given to each senior. It is a lion’s head with a pop out tongue. Weeks before the events, we gave out the invitation cards to our seniors. To make the event more interesting, the form 5 members were given a SWAG Badge which was their identity. The badge was their ID throughout the event. The invitation letter was made to look like a task giv