School Service Project - The Positive Effect

On the 9th and 10th of September, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School carried out a school service project themed "The Positive Effect". The objectives of this event are to allow the students to understand the importance of optimism and to encourage them to appreciate and believe in themselves. The project was organised by our Community Service Director, Leo Wong Gwen Lyne, together with the assistant organising chairperson, Leo Grace Tam Yi Fern. The committee members were Leo Lim Gin Wen, Leo Ng Ka Wai and Leo Sacchidanandan Viruthasalam Pillai.

We began to plan for the event as soon as the theme was decided. After countless late night discussions, we decided on carrying out activities such as the pledge board, picture collage  and pasting motivational quotes in the classrooms. The preparation of this project started with the committee members coming up with a total of 12 pledge options and printing them out while a few other Leo members helped out with printing the motivational quotes. On the 3rd September 2014 (Wednesday), after our general meeting, the Leo members stayed back to make final preparations for the upcoming school service project.

On the day of the project, we presented skits and speeches regarding optimism to the students during morning assembly. Our activities were held during the lower secondary and upper secondary break and lunch. The members on duty came down 10 minutes earlier before their shift to set up the pledge board and photo booth for picture collage. The students participated in the pledge board by sticking stickers under the pledge options provided by our club then carrying out the chosen pledge. After the students had participated in the pledge board, they were welcomed to take a picture while holding a motivational signboard to be part of the picture collage. A total of 128 pictures were then used to create a picture collage that is now displayed on the notice board at Block D. As for the motivational quotes, a few Leo members stayed back after school hours on the 8th September 2014 (Monday) to paste the quotes behind each classroom.

Overall, the project received a staggering response from the students with them actively and enthusiastically participating in the activities. The Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School hopes that the students had all taken something away from this project and start being positive in their daily lives.

Leo members setting up the camera.
Pledge board
Photo booth.
Students took photo with their teacher at the photo booth.

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