Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School's Annual Farewell 2015 - Epilogue: PARADOX
On the 21st of August 2015 which was a Friday, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held it’s annual Farewell at a bungalow in Taman U Thant. 81 Leos consisting of 39 junior Leos and 41 senior Leos alongside with 3 faculty advisors, namely Miss Low Fee Ngoo, Miss Manusha Nair and Encik Syaiful Rijal were present. The event was also attended by the Secretary of the Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Eleesse Lai. This year, the organising committee consisted of 5 junior Leos, led by the organising chairperson Leo Natalie Ling, assisted by the assistant organising chairperson, Leo Nigel Ng, and the committee members, namely Leo Genevieve Lee, Leo Lee Ming Xuan and Leo Yee Shien Mun. The theme that they decided on for this event was “Epilogue: PARADOX”. On the day of the event, the junior Leos gathered at the house at 2:45p.m. They arrived at the place by bus after leaving the school at 2:20p.m. with granted permission for early dismissal. Upon arrival, preparations for the event start...