Pre-Exam Sales 2015

On the 11th & 12th of August 2015 (Tuesday and Wednesday), the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its’ annual Pre-Exam Sales during both upper and lower secondary break and lunch. The event was organised by Leo Lim Hui Chuang, the Funding Director along with his Assistant Organising Chairperson, Leo Goh Wei Chen and the committee which consisted with Leo Ch'ng Siew Kheng, Leo Samuel Ng and Leo Chay Jian Shen. The objective of this sale was to sell stress-relief food so that the students would feel relax and be able to study well for their upcoming exam. Food like jelly, cream puff and brownies were sold along with a drink which was mango juice with nata de coco in it.

On the day of the sale, the jellies were stored in the refrigerator of the canteen after having permission granted by one of the canteen workers. There were 6 Leo members per shift including one BOD member in each shift and one committee member. The cream puff was sold out the fastest.

After each shift ended, the students would prepare and pass on to the next shift. Members would clean up after every shift to keep the canteen clean. The tables were wiped clean and the waste was disposed off properly. 

The food were all sold out for both the days. The Leo members' effort in promoting the food was very much appreciated.

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