Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School's Annual Farewell 2015 - Epilogue: PARADOX

On the 21st of August 2015 which was a Friday, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held it’s annual Farewell at a bungalow in Taman U Thant. 81 Leos consisting of 39 junior Leos and 41 senior Leos alongside with 3 faculty advisors, namely Miss Low Fee Ngoo, Miss Manusha Nair and Encik Syaiful Rijal were present. The event was also attended by the Secretary of the Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Eleesse Lai.

This year, the organising committee consisted of 5 junior Leos, led by the organising chairperson Leo Natalie Ling, assisted by the assistant organising chairperson, Leo Nigel Ng, and the committee members, namely Leo Genevieve Lee, Leo Lee Ming Xuan and Leo Yee Shien Mun. The theme that they decided on for this event was “Epilogue: PARADOX”.

On the day of the event, the junior Leos gathered at the house at 2:45p.m. They arrived at the place by bus after leaving the school at 2:20p.m. with granted permission for early dismissal. Upon arrival, preparations for the event started with immediate effect. After setting up the venue, a full rehearsal of the entire programme flow was carried out, and members were given a final briefing based on their respective departments.

The event officially began at 5:30p.m. Seniors were given the door gifts upon registration, which was a group picture of all the senior members tied together with polaroid cards stating “Farebest 2015” which was a pun made up by our very own assistant organising chairperson. The seniors were also given a piece of paper with a particular statement and 2 glowsticks per person which were highly significant for the later part of the event. Early comers were allowed to hang out inside the bungalow and mingle around while exploring the interior and the exterior of the house. At 6:15p.m. the event officially began. The emcees of the event, Leo Chay Jian Shen and Leo Teng Xin Yee started off with a short opening speech. Following that, the masterminds of the event, the organising committee kickstarted the event with a singing performance. The performance was wrapped up nicely with the popping of tubed confetti poppers which certainly brightened up the atmosphere.

Later on, the immediate past president, Leo Kok Jia Yunn gave a short, yet inspiring speech. Then, the emcees announced that the members can start dining. The food prepared was of a buffet style, serving local ‘halal’ food. Seniors were given first priority to have their dinner, followed by the junior members. While happily munching on their food, the seniors’ dinner was interrupted by a loud siren that lasted for about 5 seconds. The seniors were confused, but this was actually the cue for the performance team to start off their dance performance. All 39 juniors were involved in this dance, as it was a flash mob choreographed by our very own Leo Genevieve Lee. Nearing the end of the flash mob performance, the junior members pulled all the seniors out of their seats and everyone had a great time dancing together.

The game masters took over the dance floor and started doing what they do best, well, conducting the games of course! Leo Goh Wei Chen and Leo Amanda Chan did a great job lightening up the mood whilst they carry out their tasks. The seniors were first given 5 seconds to get into their groups according to the colours of the glowsticks given out to them beforehand. There were 2 games played throughout the games session, which were “T-Shirt Relay” and “Guess your members”.

The seniors were split into 2 categories, so that both games could be carried out simultaneously. After a time frame of 15 minutes, the seniors had to swap between categories to move on to the next game. Laughter and cheers of joy were music to the members’ ears as it symbolised the happiness of the seniors. It was heartwarming to see everyone having a great time of fellowship together. To wrap up the event, the game masters announced the losing teams. Punishments were given to the 2 losing teams in each category. Representatives from each team were sent to choose their respective punishments, where on team had to eat a handful of wasabi peanuts, and the other team had to choke down a spoonful of cinnamon powder. The punishment session was truly entertaining to watch as the members were all very sporting in completing their punishments although they showed a hint of reluctance. The emcees consoled the losing teams by stating that they are all already winners of our hearts.

Following that, the members moved back to the main area at the bungalow. The senior team with their band name “SKYLINE” took over the stage with their jaw dropping singing performance. The band consisted of Leo Aishwarya Arul, Leo Sarah Teoh, Leo Jonathan Chew, Leo Brendan Eu as well as Leo Nigel Ian Cross. Their so-called ‘manager’, Leo Jason Ong entertained the crowd as he introduced himself as their personal microphone-stand. The members were all awestruck at the amazing performance given by the seniors. They truly deserved the applause given by the ever so supportive members.

Next up was a speech given by the president of the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School, Leo Lai Yan Sheng. He shared his thoughts on the club throughout his time being in the club, and his gratitude towards the seniors who lighted up the juniors’ paths as members of the club. After that, our very own talented junior Leos, Leo Hannah Wong, Leo Shweta Zachariah and Leo Lim You Xin presented a singing performance with their appropriately chosen song, “See You Again”. It was a touching song which carried a lot of meaning in it.

After that, an open-microphone session was held. Everyone was given a chance to express their feelings and thoughts regardless of who they were. A lot of tears were shed throughout the session as members shared their most sincere sentiments and emotions from the cores of their very beings. Later on, the members moved into the house for a group photo session.

Right after that, Leo Ch’ng Siew Kheng and Leo Nigel Ng Zi Xuan who were the tour guides of the “Leo Excursion Organisation” led the senior members to a walk down memory lane. The second floor of the bungalow was decorated with pictures of our events carried out throughout the year, as well as exclusive pictures of the seniors themselves. A handful of seniors teared up from the experience as it brought back a lot of sentimental memories.

When the seniors went downstairs, they were given instructions to complete a task to obtain their souvenirs. The seniors were told to locate a certain junior, based on the clue given on the piece of paper earlier on. The statement on the paper was a hint on who their designated junior was. Upon discovery, the seniors were given a black handmade box which contained their souvenirs. Inside, there were chocolate coins to symbolise treasure, a “13 Reasons Why You Don’t Regret Joining Leo” deck of cards, and bubble wrap with a stuck on label stating “Stress Relieve Kit” for the seniors who have their upcoming SPM exams to stress about. Members were also exchanging gifts among themselves during this session.

After that, the room’s lights were switched off, lifted by the neon glowsticks worn on the members wrists and stuck on the fan along with the fairy lights which spelt ‘LEO’ on the wall of the room. Music was played and a dance off session was held between the juniors and the seniors. The members also had a fun time dancing together after the dance off session.

At about 10p.m. the event officially ended. Senior members were allowed to return home whilst the junior members stayed back for half an hour longer to clear up the venue. All in all, everyone had a great time throughout the event and everyone went back home carrying heavy hearts.

Decorations set up by our teacher advisor, Encik Syaiful Rijal

Door gifts at the registration counter

People in-charge of registration

Arrival of seniors

Ushers welcoming the seniors

Senior members at the registration counter

People in-charge of media

"Skyline" practicing for their performance

Emcees of the event

Performance by the organizing committee

Members enjoying the performance

Speech by our Immediate Past President, Leo Kok Jia Yunn

Senior members at buffet counter

Senior members taking a picture together at the dining table

Junior members dining by the pool

Game masters preparing for the games
Performance team taking over the stage
Flash mob performance that took the seniors by surprise

Game masters taking over the event

"Guess your members" game

Performance by our very own senior band, "Skyline"

Group photo of all the Leo members

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