Pre-Exam Mini Games 2016

From the 5th to 9th of September 2016 (Monday to Friday), the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School held its first ever Pre-Exam Mini Games during both upper and lower secondary break and lunch. The event was organised by Leo Wong Hong Ming, the Funding Director, with the help of his Assistant Organising Chairperson, Leo Peh Shennie and the committee which consisted of Leo Ng Zhu Yang, Leo Jorn Tan and Leo Sivarajan. The main objective of this event was to help students release stress by playing simple games before they face their upcoming exams. A great variety of games were prepared for the students to enjoy during the event. A lucky draw was also held, where two winners from the lower secondary and 1 winner from the upper secondary were awarded prizes during lunch on Friday.

On the day of the mini games, the game area was set up at the bench area by the Leo members before their respective shifts began. There were 4 Leo members per shift including one BOD member and one committee member in each shift. Most of the games were very popular among the students, and they truly enjoyed them.

After each shift ended, the members would prepare for the next game and pass on to the next shift. Members would clean up after every shift to keep the bench area clean.

The students were entertained very much and actively participated in the games throughout the whole week. The Leo members' effort in promoting this new event was greatly appreciated.

First few days of the mini games

"Ping Pong Ball Fight" game

Student finishing up "Ping Pong Ball Fight" game

Leo members preparing for the next game

Student playing "Ka Broom" game

Student filling in her name for the lucky draw

Student playing "Short Stack" game

Student playing "Ballon Tongue Twister" game

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