47th MD 308 Leo Forum 2021

LEO Forum, here we come!

On the 5th and 6th June 2021, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School attended the 47th MD 308 Leo Forum 2021 that was held virtually on Zoom due to the ongoing pandemic. 14 of our LEO members signed up for this auspicious event, which was themed "Faith, Hope, Love" and it was opened to LEOs from multiple districts. 

One of the seminars!
On the 5th June 2021, the event started off with a general briefing for the participants. This was  followed by an ice-breaking session, where participants were separated into breakout rooms to exchange introductions within their groups. Then, participants were led back to the main room and the opening ceremony commenced. During the session, speeches were given by various Lions and also the forum's Organizing Chairperson. Next up, there was an E-bazaar session, allowing participants to purchase unique merchandise made by some clubs. After a lunch break at 2.15 p.m., participants proceeded to their registered workshops which were all very informative and enlightening. Following that, participants had a one hour dinner break before the highlight of the day, Fellowship Night, began. Here, participants got to play exciting games with their own assigned groups, and there was also a Show Me The Talent competition. The day ended with a memorable Best Dress Award competition, which 2 of our members participated in. 

Spot our LEO President!

On the second day, the event resumed at 12.45 p.m. Participants joined the seminars that they registered for and walked away with much valuable knowledge from the insightful speakers. Following that, there was a sharing session between the LEOs in their separate breakout rooms. At 5:00 p.m., participants had their dinner and returned at 7.00 p.m. for the Award Presentation Night and Closing Ceremony. 

All in all, the 47th MD 308 Leo Forum 2021 was a very fun and unforgettable experience for the members of the LEO Club of WMS. It was definitely time well spent for all LEOs and much appreciation is given to the organizing committee for their meticulous efforts. The LEO Club of WMS will be looking forward to the next Leo Forum next year! 

Picture time!


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