District Virtual LEO Forum & Award Day 2020/2021

The time for awards is here!

On the 26th June 2021, Saturday, 9 of our club’s Board of Directors attended the District Virtual LEO Forum & Award Day from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. At 10:00 in the morning, the BOD entered the Zoom meeting and the event kick-started with the meeting being called to order by the Presiding Officer and District Governor, Lion Kenny Low. Following that was the Flag Salutation, recitation of the LEO pledge, and Roll Call. At 10:20 a.m., the Head of District Chairperson of LEO Clubs and AKPK, Lion Lee Wai Koong, gave a report on the 2020/2021 District Leo Movement. He stated that many LEO Clubs were unable to carry out their usual numerous services and projects due to the pandemic, but there are also various clubs who managed to organize some.

We did it!
After this, a speech was given  by Lion Kenny Low. At 10:30 a.m., the time had come for the presentation of awards. The LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School is proud to have received 2 certificates of appreciation for constantly sending monthly reports and carrying out projects that centered on a minimum of 3 LCI Global Causes. Many other LEO Clubs also received their awards, and our Board of Directors were there to support them. The event ended at 11:30 a.m. with the meeting being adjourned by, once again, the  Presiding Officer and District Governor, Lion Kenny Low.

In conclusion, the club is super grateful for being able to carry out projects and serve the community, however little or however small due to the current situation. We want to thank everyone who had, and still is, supporting us throughout our fiscal year. Last but not least, the Board of Directors would like to show our deepest appreciation to all of our dedicated LEO members who showed much cooperation and have been serving in the club tirelessly. Thank you!

Our Community Service Director's hard work paid off!

Say cheese!


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