10th Annual International Relationship Day 'UNESCO: Unites Us All"

          On the 26th of April 2013, the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School’s 10th Annual International Relationship Day was held in Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur’s Multipurpose School Hall. The theme of this year’s International Relationship Day was ‘UNESCO:  Unites Us All’. UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This organization has 5 major themes which are Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information. The things that they do cover a wide range of fields and for this year’s International Relationship Day, we are focusing on the theme of Culture. We aim to provide information to the audience about what is UNESCO, what UNESCO does, the World Heritage Sites and Intangible Cultural Heritages. UNESCO safeguards heritages from all over the world, therefore fulfilling the criteria of International Relationship Day which is to have a theme that relates to a global issue. Adding on to that, we also had guests from other countries, who were the teachers and students from the Sacred Heart College, Perth, Australia, which made our event ‘International’. We hope that by providing information about various heritages from all over the world, we can unite people as they can understand more about the cultures and community from other parts of the world. This explains our theme, ‘UNESCO: Unites Us All’.

                             Banner Decoration For Stage
                                Decoration In The Lift
                              Decoration Outside The Hall
                               Decoration In The Hall
                               Decoration In The Hall
                               Decoration In The Hall
                               Decoration In The Hall
                               Decoration In The Hall
                             Information Wall Outside Hall
Kolam Decoration In The Hall
                                 VIPs & Guests
                                 Cheerleading Performance
                                   Opening Performance
                                   Sketch Performance
                                    Sketch Performance
                                  Sketch Performance
                               Gu Zheng Performance
                               Gu Zheng Performance
                                     Flamenco Dance
                                     Flamenco Dance

                                Arirang Finale Performance
                                 Zvončari Finale Performance
                           Presentation of Token of Appreciation
                          Presentation of Token of Appreciation
                                Refreshments - Garlic Bread
                     Refreshments - Sandwich with Tomato & Basil
Refreshments - Ribena With Lemon & Mint

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