Wesley Leos` Annual Amazing Race 2013 - Cirque Dans La Rue

              The race was held on Saturday, April 6th 2013. All the participants gathered in school. First, registration took place as the participants met with their respective groups, collected their goodie bags and changed into the event t-shirt. Participants all looked excited and eager to start the race. They all wanted a shot to win the amazing prices in store. After registration, participants gathered in the assembly ground for the opening ceremony. 
Goodie bags composed of various freebies from sponsors.

Participant receiving complimentary coupons alongside the goodie bags.

               First, a speech was given by the guest of honour, which was our principal, Mdm Chia Loy Tian. Mdm Chia reminded the participants to ensure safety as their priority and advised them not to run during the race. She also prayed for the participants and for the smoothness of the event. Then, a briefing of the race was done by the organizing committee. We briefed the participants on the rules and regulations of the race, and answered any questions or doubts from the participants. After that, the opening sketch on the circus fire was presented by our leos. Elements of humor was incorporated inside the sketch and the participants enjoyed it. 
Opening Act.

            Once all the participants was ready, Mdm Chia officially flagged off the event for the lower secondary participants. Flag off for the upper secondary participants was done 10 minutes letter. The participant’s first task was to break a code which was previously given to them. The code was the pathway of the race. Participants were all very eager to break the code, working hard to be efficient and fast. They had a lot of fun while doing so and we could see everyone starting to work as a team. Once they had broke the code, they could hand in their answers at the canteen to the leos stationed there, and set off to the Sentul LRT station.
Participants scrambling to decode the clues.
Participants flooding PWTC.

            The next station was PWTC lrt station. After participants had reached there, they would be directed by our traffic marshals to the characters there. The characters include Houdini and his bodyguard. They were 3 of each character. This was to prevent congestion of the participants. The bodyguard doesn’t allow the participants to talk to Houdini until he was given a pretzel. In order to obtain a pretzel, participants had to complete tasks such as a tough math question and taking a picture in front of Aunty Annes restaurant with a bottle of water balancing on their heads. This proved to be a difficult task for the participants, as the water bottle always fell before the picture was taken. The participants kept laughing and had a lot of fun while taking their pictures. After they had obtain a pretzel, they got to spoke to Houdini for additional information about the arsonist. They are given a diary entry and set off to the next station, which was Imbi.
Houdini and his bodyguard.
Sweet talking a character could prove decisive.
Leave no information neglected. Notes will help a great deal.
Participants who take the extra mile may be surprised how easy the task might be.

                At the Imbi station , participants arrive at Imbi through monorail and proceed to walk to Bukit Bintang under instructions from traffic marshals . They ventured along the walkway to meet the 3 wives of Mr James Segee . With the information provided by the 3 Mrs Segee`s , participants learnt that each wife has a son. With the name of the corresponding Mrs Segee used as a passphrase to interrogate the sons , participants had to run back and forth and communication and teamwork were severely tested. With incredible patience and a calm under fire attitude , participants managed to overcome the confusion and moved on to meet the Sniffers. The sniffers allowed participants to catch a glimpse of a very important clue in exchange for the participants to steal a strip of paper from MR BLAINE. This was another challenging task as they were required to find the real MR BLAINE when there are 4 fakes roaming around at the same place armed with a Water Gun. With precise observation , participants managed to spot the difference based on the description provided by the Sniffer. Once a coloured paper strip was obtained from the correct Mr Blaine , they are allowed to take a glimpse of the Segee Family Ring which was scratched to indicate the attack of a lion belonging to Tamara the tamer. Tamara is situated at MATIC , Bukit Nanas which participants hurried to.
One of Mr James Segee`s wives.
One of Mr Segee`s suspicious sons.
Observant BalloonMen watch over the Segee Family.
Mr Blaine. Or is he?

                With permission to use their compound , Tamara the tamer was situated at the Lanai inside of MATIC. Participants travelled there under guidance of traffic marshals. In order to speak to Tamara , participants are tasked to dance with Tamara`s Lion – Raze.  With the lion`s approval , then the teams may proceed to speak with Tamara. The participants had fun dancing along the specific dance moves devised by creative director Leo Ng Xuanly. Tamara is a depressed women deprived of love and dreams of Mr Blaine. She is a difficult character to talk to. With tonnes of perseverance , participants can obtain plenty information and set their route back to school.
Traffic marshalls stationed to coordinate movement of participants.

Overwhelming excitement and enthusiasm from the participants.
Raze(s) - Tamara`s Pet Lions
Participant dancing her way past a challenge.
Participants finally feeling the urge to boogie.
One of the very frustrated participants forcing a smile.

                Back in school , large family portraits of the Segee Family is placed at the entrance of the school to offer the participants a huge hint. With smart conclusions bubbling in their minds , participants are to write down the truth behind the circus fire and elaborate on the entire evil scheme. After handing in the diaries , the race is officially to a close. 
A significant clue to a twisting tale.

           The race ended at 12.30 accurately according to the schedule devised. The diaries are then marked by the Organizing Committee and the winner was chosen based on the most accurate answer and  the timing is taken into account with the answer as 1st priority.

                The results of the race was announced on the 22nd April 2013 during assembly. The answers were revealed before the winners were announced

Organising Chairperson : Leo Tiong Wei Shien ( Funding Director 12/13 )
Assistant Organising Chairperson : Leo Chee Sze Huey , Leo Kok Hao Yi

Special Thanks To :
Principal - Mdm Chia Loy Tian
Vice Principal - Mdm Pearl Moses
Admin Manager - Mdm Evelyn Sim
Faculty Advisors - Mdm Chelvi, Mdm Lavanya and Mdm Low Fee Ngoo
Main Sponsors - Sunstar, Storm London, Puma, Massimo, Prasarana and Zalora.
Wesley Leos` Board of Directors 12/13
Wesley Leos

Written by ,
Leo Tiong Wei Shien
Wesley Leos` Funding Director 12/13

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