WMSKL(I) Christmas Project 2018

On 2 August 2018, Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) held its annual Christmas Project from 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. in the Wesley Hall. The event started with an invitation to confession, followed by a call to worship, which were both responsive sessions. After that, there was a choir presentation and an opening prayer. The Christian Fellowship Club then led the worship session. Next, there was a prayer of illumination and scripture reading. Mr. Oliver then introduced the Guest Speaker, Pastor Ravi Arumugam, who gave a speech entitled, Sermon: 'I Am'. A tambourine dance prepared by the Girls’ Brigade took the stage after Mr. Ravi’s thought-provoking speech. Following that was the presentation of Christmas presents to Methodist Boys School Sentul. Two representatives from the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School went up on stage to hand over the goodie bags, which were prepared by our club for this donation service, to the students from MBS Sentul. Besides the goodie bags, our club has also donated ten packets of Milo (1kg), five packets of rice, six bottles of cooking oil (5kg), ten packets of sugar (2kg) and 24 packets of biscuits (125g) to MBS Sentul. The event ended with a closing Christmas chorus and a closing prayer. In conclusion, this event reminded us about the underprivileged, who are unable to afford three meals a day and are currently starving, and gave us an unsurpassable opportunity to donate goods to the less fortunate in efforts of helping them fight against hunger.

Our President and Community Service Director handing out the goodie bags to the boys from MBS Sentul.

Some perishable goods donated by the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School


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