63rd International LEO Day 2020

On the 5th December 2020, Saturday, a few members of the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School participated in the 63rd International LEO Day 2020 which was held virtually on Zoom and Facebook Live from 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. This online event was themed “Leos Among Us”, where LEOs from different clubs could meet together virtually to share and listen to each others’ LEO journey for the last 63 years.

Registration and the joining of the respective online platforms began at 1:30p.m. Then, the event kicked off at 2:05p.m. where the emcee of the day greeted the Lions, Leos and everyone presented. Moving on, the meeting was called to order by Presiding Officer, Lion Joe, followed by the Flag Salutation and the recitation of the LEO pledge. Next up, there was a Roll Call and Recognition, which then led to the Officiation and speech by the Guest of Honour and District Governor, Lion Kenny Low. In his speech, DG Lion Kenny reminded us of the district theme: Be a Loving Lion, and he highly encouraged the youth to be exposed to the culture of being kind, caring and truthful. Directly after, a series of speeches were given by various Lions and Leos. Among those speeches was Aunty Sharon Lee’s Survival and Motivational Talk. In her talk, Aunty Sharon shared her journey as an ex-LEO and a cancer survivor. She inspired us to continue our passion to serve even though there may be challenges ahead because it will all be worth it in the end.

What is an event without some fun in it? Right after the speeches, we were engaged in 4 quizzes that centered around the 4 global causes: Vision, Hunger, Diabetes and Environment. Amazingly, the competitive spirit of our members resulted in some of us being top scorers in these quizzes. During the quiz intervals, a sharing session was carried out smoothly by various LEO Clubs. Of course, our club did not miss out on this great opportunity to share our club’s LEO expeditions throughout our fiscal years. We were represented by our Funding Director, LEO Tham Zhan Chern, with our enthusiastic members supporting along. Moving on, a Lucky Draw session was conducted and the 15 lucky winners were promised to receive masks from the Lions Club International. Following that, the Organizing Chairperson of this successful event, LEO Priyanka gave a short Vote of Thanks speech and at 5:00p.m., and the meeting was adjourned by Presiding Officer Lion Joe.

To wrap it all up, it was really a wonderful time for us to meet up with other Lions and LEOs through this event. We are still very awe-struck by this professionally organized online event and we hope to learn from this exemplary International LEO Day .

Our Funding Director shared his own experiences throughout his LEO journey!


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