Virtual Youth Camps & Exchange Get-Together 2020

On the 27th November 2020, 11 members from the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School attended the Virtual Youth Exchange Get-Together that was organized by the LEO Club of Kuala Lumpur City Centre (Omega). LEO Clubs from 5 countries around the world including Malaysia, Japan, Brazil, Turkey and the United States of America participated in this virtual event. The event was kickstarted by a video presentation where all the speakers from around the world collaborated to dance along to the tune of “Jingle Bells”. Later on, the District Governor of District 308 B1, Lion Kenny Low gave his opening speech. This was followed by a speech by the Youth Exchange Chairperson of District 308 B1, Lion Serena Yeo. After this, representatives of each country were given a timeslot to share about their culture from where they are from. All the speakers talked about simple terms, slang, traditional food and tourist attractions in their country. They also shared about their experience being in the YCE program, being able to live with other people in their homes and going through their daily routines. Leo June Loo, the organizing chairperson of this event then gave a speech and this was followed by a short quiz session in which two of our members achieved the top 3 spots. The event was closed by a Q&A session where the questions were answered by Leo June Loo and Leo Mark Anthony.

In conclusion, this event was an eye-opener for all of our members as we got to understand various cultures across the globe.


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