Joint Installation 2021

On the 14th August 2021, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School's Board of Directors attended the virtual District 308 B1 LEO Clubs Joint Installation from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. This event was themed "Hope". 

We started off with the meeting being called to order, followed by the flag salutation and the LEO pledge. Throughout the event, speeches were given by various Lions. Words of encouragement were also given by the Guest of Honour, District Governor Lion Tan Teoh Teik Choon. During the Initiation Ceremony and Board of Directors Installation Ceremony, our club's Board of Directors were present to show our support towards the other LEO clubs in District 308 B1. To wrap up the event, a group photo was taken and the meeting was then adjourned. 

Overall, Joint Installation was a golden opportunity to form connections with other LEO clubs. Besides that, it was an eye-opening experience for us as we managed to witness how an official event like Joint Installation could be held virtually.


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