Induction Ceremony 2023

 On the 6th of September 2023, Wednesday, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School organised an induction ceremony at the Wesley Hall from 4.00p.m to 6.00p.m. The objective of this event was to formally introduce the newly recruited members to the club and break the ice. It was also organised to give new members a positive impression of the LEO group and to inculcate in them a sense of belonging to the club. This event was led by the Organising Chairperson, LEO Sarah Chee Jie along with the Assistant Organising Chairperson, LEO Lim Tian Xin.

The event started with the Vice President, LEO Ilana Lau Ruo Min, giving an inspiring speech to our fellow members, sharing about her experiences as a LEO member for the past year and how the club has helped her in several aspects as a student. Then, a quiz was conducted to help new members learn about the club on a deeper level. After the quiz, the top scorers were announced, and the ones who got the lowest scores were punished by roaring three times on stage.

After that, the ice-breaking session began! All the LEO Club members, including the faculty advisors, were told to sit in a huge circle and introduce themselves. The members were also required to answer the question, "What food would you like to be and why?". Eventually, all the members were done introducing themselves, and it was time to play the game "one two jungle", a game whereby the players were to replace the multiples of three with the word ‘jungle’.

Members playing one two jungle

The event ended with a prize-giving session for both the quiz and game winners. A special prize was also awarded to the person with the best roar.

Members receiving prizes

In conclusion, the event was a tremendous success. Our members undoubtedly grew closer and got to know each other better through this event!



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