Virtual Orientation Day 2021

 On the 18th September 2021, Saturday, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School had their Virtual Annual Orientation Day from 10.00 a.m. to 11.40 a.m. The objective of this orientation was to allow the newly recruited LEO members to have a deeper understanding of the LEO Club. It was also organized to create a positive impression on the new members regarding the LEO Club and to instill a sense of belonging in them towards the club. This event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Lim Yi Hang along with the Assistant Organizing Chairperson, LEO Chai Tse Lei. 

Our beloved speakers, LEO Qiao En and LEO Megan!

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event was held online via Zoom. The event began as the Presiding Officer, the President of the Lions Club of Ampang, Lion Shirene Chin, called the meeting to order. The three speakers of the orientation were then introduced, which were LEO Wong Qiao En and LEO Megan Chuo. Through the interactive session, the speakers educated the members on the history and aims of the LEO Clubs and Lions Clubs. The speakers also shared their respective experiences as LEOs. A clear explanation about the characteristics of a successful LEO Club was also given. As a sign of our gratitude towards the guests and Lions for taking time out from their weekends to attend the event, the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School had prepared tokens of appreciation that were emailed to the respective guests and Lions after the event. 

The event ended after a group photo was taken. To conclude, all members were able to learn more about the different aspects of the LEO Clubs and Lions Clubs in detail. Hopefully, the LEO members were able to get a better understanding of their significant roles as LEOs and that the information shared during the event would help them understand more about the history of Lions and LEOs and also understand the meaning of serving the community.


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