Minor Community Service Project 2019 (Zoo Negara)

On the 7th of September 2019, Saturday, twelve members and Mr. Lee Sek Khoon, our Faculty Advisor, from the LEO Club of Wesley Methodist School visited Zoo Negara to carry out our Minor Community Service Project from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. The objective of the event was to fulfill one of the global causes of the LEO Club, which is to sustainably protect the environment by improving the well-being of the animals in the zoo. The event also aimed to further instill a sense of responsibility and awareness towards animals amongst the LEO members. This event was led by the Organizing Chairperson, LEO Teoh Zhi Yuan, who was assisted by the Assistant Organizing Chairperson, LEO Kee Jo Ann together with committee members LEO Elizabeth Aiwei and LEO Rachel Lee Jia Shuen.

The members and Mr. Lee set off for Zoo Negara from Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) at 7.30 a.m. and arrived at their designated destination at 8.00 a.m. Upon their arrival, the staff greeted the members with a warm welcome and thanked them for taking their time to volunteer at the zoo. The members took a group picture with our LEO Faculty Advisor and were then split into three main departments that were in charge of cleaning specific areas such as the enclosures of the orang-utans, cows and deer. At 8.30 a.m, the members headed to their assigned areas and began the clean up session. Four of our members raked the fallen leaves in the orang-utan enclosures while the rest cleaned the cow and deer enclosures. The members were also given the opportunity to feed the animals under the supervision of the staff.

At around 10.00 a.m, the members took a break from work and were provided with light refreshments by the zoo staff. After finishing their meal, the members took the opportunity to explore the zoo and learned more about the various types of animals there. At 10.45 a.m, our LEO members returned to their assigned areas and resumed their previous task. The members worked hard under the blazing sun and eventually finished cleaning the animal enclosures. By 11.15 a.m, the zoo’s staff led the LEO members and Mr. Lee to the panda’s enclosure to observe the two adorable pandas Xing Xing and Liang Liang. The members were then given permission to roam around the zoo and visit the animals’ enclosures. There were many exotic wildlife including white tigers, penguins, hippopotamuses, ostriches and zebras which the members observed with awe.

Although the members had a great time learning more about the animals, all good things had to come to an end. The members and Mr. Lee gathered at the exit and took one last group picture with the zoo staff before bidding farewell to them. In conclusion, the Minor Community Service Project to Zoo Negara was truly an eye opening experience as the members managed to improve the living conditions of the animals in our national zoo and were able to learn to take on responsibilities of dealing with a given task.

Our LEO members after a hard day's work!


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